Язык Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Today we will drive along a scenic road bordering the Llanquihue Lake which host one of the best scenic roads in the region. We will arrive to the Vicente Perez Rosales National Park oldest national park, founded in 1926. It covers an area of 251,000 hectares (619,970 acres), incorporating the park's center piece, Lago Todos los Santos, Saltos de Petrohué, and three commanding volcanoes: Osorno, Tronador and Puntiagudo.

We will continue the road up to the Confiteria at about 4600 feet from where we will enjoy our first short walk of the day going around a secondary crater whose red and orange colors stand out from the natural landscape. From here you will get one of the nicest views of the Calbuco Volcano which sits right in front of us at about 25 kms/ 16 miles of distance, time for a coffee at the base camp resto and head to the starting point of solitario trail. Here we will join the natural trail which introduces us into the deep forest with lichens and ferns that slowly change the landscape into drier terrain and cross the lava flow of the last eruption in 1869 to finally arrive to the spectacular Petrohue River rapids that flows to the estuary of Reloncavi As part of the excursion not to be missed the the Emerald Lake. Drive back to your hotel. Arrive at 18 hs approx.


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