Embrace the Trident

Язык Английский
Стоимость 185 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Round Trip SUV Tour Therapeutic wellness experience combined into scenic tour some of islands beaches. Dextox teas, HEALTHY SNACKS,THAI, SHIATSU, REIKI, Chi Nei Tsang ,Chakra work.

Our tour begins with driving south towards to west coast access highway to Sunnys Cool vibes farm a private small farm in Cul De Sac here we start the ceremony with locals teas, iced or hot on route to the West coast road.

Short stop from the Sunnys Cool vibes farm where lovely local cinnamon trees and coco trees are found is the Roseau beach almost mile stretch of peaceful sea and sand, here we begin with Thai or Shiatsu treatments.


As we leave fruit or tea is offered, we make our way down to Soufriere, stopping along mountain ridge for stretching and Chakra breathing, clearing and balancing. We venture on to the Fishing Villiage of Chousiel onto the black sand Sab We Sha beach , light snacks(corn meal pies pimee /granola) will be given along with fresh coco nut water, Reiki( Isis Sekhem, Rasheeba, Kundalini will be administered, along with optional abdominal lymphatic drain.

We end the tour by visiting Piaye river, there each participant will receive a miniature bottle and can fill the river water and sand as a memento of the internal process.

Grab your, towel, sunglasses sunscreen .

Custom packages

Hotstone treatments

RIVER; Runic Yoga& Watsu

Sweat Lodge; Lomi Lomi

Bonfire; Shamanic healing, Drumming, Palo Santo/Sage smudging


Folk story telling


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