Язык Английский, Французский, индонезийский, малайский, Испанский
Стоимость 760 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 дней

An adventure for those who want to hike in the wilderness this trip will take you deep to the jungle of Mentawai island, travel across the dense jungle of Siberut to meet the native Mentawai tribe. You will have a chance to learn their knowledge about the forest with them, medicine herbs, plus their traditions and lifestyle. We aimed our trip to create an authentic immersive experience on your travel, this is not just the only trip but we build a connection, engages will the local community that will allow you to touch and discover deeply the local culture, point of interest then for sure being away from hustle and bustle mass tourism.

Travel theme : Local immersion,

Culture, Nature,

Adventure, Religious

Adventure route : Padang city – Siberut,

Mentawai Island

Itinerary Focus : Cultural immersion

and off the beaten


This off the beaten track and it will stretch your comfort zone. They don't always feature tourist highlights, but dive deeper into local life and culture


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