3 Days Safari in Mikumi National Park .

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 дней

To organize a 3-day safari package to Mikumi National Park in Tanzania, you typically have several options depending on your preferences, budget, and the level of luxury you desire. Here's a sample itinerary for a 3-day safari package:

Day 1: Arrival in Mikumi

Arrive at Mikumi National Park either by road from Dar es Salaam (approximately 4-5 hours) or by air to nearby airstrips.

Check into your chosen accommodation, which could be a lodge or tented camp within or near the park.

Enjoy a late afternoon game drive in Mikumi National Park, where you'll have the chance to spot a variety of wildlife such as elephants, giraffes, zebras, lions, leopards, and more.

Dinner and overnight stay at your accommodation.

Day 2: Full-day Safari in Mikumi

Start the day with an early morning game drive when animals are most active. Your guide will take you to various parts of the park to maximize wildlife sightings.

Return to your accommodation for breakfast.

Relax during the midday hours, perhaps enjoying some leisure time at the lodge's facilities or taking a nature walk (if available).

After lunch, embark on another game drive, exploring different areas of the park and searching for wildlife you may not have seen yet.

Return to your accommodation for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Morning Safari and Departure

Begin your day with a final early morning game drive, giving you one more chance to spot elusive animals or witness interesting behaviors.

Return to your accommodation for breakfast and check-out.

Depending on your travel plans, you may choose to depart for your next destination or extend your stay for additional activities or relaxation.

If time allows, you could visit nearby attractions such as Udzungwa Mountains National Park or the local villages for cultural experiences.

Departure from Mikumi National Park.

When booking your safari package, ensure that it includes accommodation, meals, park fees, game drives with a knowledgeable guide, and transportation within the park. Additionally, consider whether you prefer a private safari or joining a group tour, and whether you'd like any optional activities such as walking safaris or night drives. Prices for safari packages can vary widely depending on the level of luxury, the season, and the tour operator, so it's essential to research and compare options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.


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