Язык Английский
Стоимость 2000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Day 0: Arrival in Moshi

Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport.

Transfer to your hotel in Moshi.

Meet your guide for a briefing and equipment check.

Overnight stay in Moshi.

Day 1: Moshi to Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut

After breakfast, transfer to Marangu Gate (1,860m), the starting point of the Marangu Route.

Complete park formalities and start the trek.

Hike through rainforest to Mandara Hut (2,700m).

Distance: 8km

Time: 3-4 hours

Overnight at Mandara Hut.

Day 2: Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut

After breakfast, continue trekking through the rainforest.

Pass through heather and moorland zones, enjoying stunning views.

Reach Horombo Hut (3,720m), where you'll spend the night.

Distance: 11km

Time: 5-6 hours

Overnight at Horombo Hut.

Day 3: Acclimatization Day at Horombo Hut

Spend the day at Horombo Hut for acclimatization.

Optionally, you can take a hike to Zebra Rocks or Mawenzi Hut for better acclimatization.

Rest and prepare for the next day's ascent.

Overnight at Horombo Hut.

Day 4: Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut

After breakfast, trek towards Kibo Hut (4,700m).

Pass through the "Saddle," a barren desert between Mawenzi and Kibo peaks.

Reach Kibo Hut, the base for the summit attempt.

Distance: 9km

Time: 5-6 hours

Rest early in preparation for the summit push.

Overnight at Kibo Hut.

Day 5: Summit Attempt – Uhuru Peak and Descent to Horombo Hut

Wake up very early (around midnight) for the summit attempt.

Start the ascent in the darkness with headlamps.

Reach Gilman's Point (5,681m) at dawn.

Continue to Uhuru Peak (5,895m), the highest point in Africa, for sunrise.

Descend back to Kibo Hut for a short rest and refreshment.

Continue descending to Horombo Hut for overnight.

Distance: 21km (13km ascent + 8km descent)

Time: 12-16 hours

Overnight at Horombo Hut.

Day 6: Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate, Departure

After breakfast, descend to Marangu Gate.

Complete park formalities and receive your summit certificate.

Transfer back to Moshi.

Celebrate your achievement!

Overnight stay in Moshi or transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport for departure.

Please note that climbing Kilimanjaro can be physically demanding and requires proper preparation and acclimatization. It's also important to follow the guidance of your experienced guides throughout the trek.


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