Adventure Tour

Язык Английский, малайский
Стоимость 90 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 12 часов

This tour will take about 12hours by private car. Meet up at the airport/hotel in the morning at 7am. Drive about 2hours to Jomblang Cave, take queue to enter the cave, manually ropping down 60m with safety belt and helmet. Will take 3hours inside the cave then after clean up from the mud, you may enjoy the lunch box they provided. Continue drive for another 2hours to Timang beach. After reach the parking area, a 4WD jeep is waiting to drive you for 20mins on a bumpy road to get closer to the beach. Manually pull gondola will take you to cross to another cliff to enjoy the waves pounded againts the rocks.


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