Cave tubing & Gondola

Язык Английский, малайский
Стоимость 63 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Meet up at the airport/hotel in the morning at 7am. Drive about 1,5hours to Pindul Cave, a cave formed by karst with underground river. Pindul known for caving way done with the tires float up above the underground river inside the cave, this activity known as cave tubing. After reach there, the local guide will take you to the place where you can take the tub to enter the cave. It will take you 30-45mins to enjoy the stalagmite and stalagtite inside the cave. Before the end of the cave, you could see the light of heaven thru the hole. The shuttle will transport you back to the basecamp. Continue drive 2hours to Timang beach, stop by for lunch with fresh lobster from the ocean. The 4WD jeep will take you to get closer to the beach on bumpy road for about 20mins, you could take the gondola or bridge to cross to the cliff. Back to the basecamp by 4WD jeep again and continue drive back to hotel/airport for 2,5hours.


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