Nite Tour

Язык Английский, малайский
Стоимость 34 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 часов

This tour will take about 5hours by walk. Meet up at the front of the central train station ( Tugu ) at 5pm. Enjoy the Joss Coffee ( black coffee with fired charcoal in it ), walk along Malioboro street ( the main famous street in Yogyakarta ) to see peoples selling so many varieties souvenirs and enjoy their meals by sitting on the ground with mat. Stop at the zero kilometer to see the historical colonial buildings around. Continue the walk to enjoy the local snacks on the way to Alun-alun kidul ( southern square behind the Sultanate Palace ). Its really happening at Alun-alun Kidul, you will see so many decorative bycicles and peoples try to walk through the 2 banyan trees with blind folded. For dinner, you will try to taste the local food.


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