Annapurna Base Camp

Язык Китайский, Английский, Корейский
Стоимость 500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 3 дня

Annapurna base camp trek is an amazing walk through diverse landscape and culture complete with rich mountain vistas, terraced fields, quaint Gurung villages and a wide variety of flora and fauna. Mt. Annapurna (8091m) of Nepal is the 10th highest mountain in the world and the journey to its base camp, which is at 4130m/13549ft height, is one of the most popular walks on earth. Moreover, we reach our destination via Mt. Machapuchhre (Fishtail) which is revered by the Nepalese for its unique beauty. Furthermore, thanks to the well-groomed itinerary of the Annapurna Base Camp trekking package, it is a popular choice among diverse outdoor enthusiasts, from a solo female traveler to hikers travelling in groups to Nepal.

Our Annapurna Base Camp Trek has a short, 11-day itinerary compared to most walks in this region leading up to the base camp. The particular route is designed for globetrotters who wish to hike to the base camp of the spectacular mountain but are restricted time-wise. For travelers who wish to reach the Annapurna base camp in a more relaxed manner can try a different route like the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek.


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