The authentic night peninsula tour

Язык Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 1200 ZAR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа

Wander through the opulent realms of Muizenberg, Kalk Bay, and Chapman's Peak, embracing the ethereal beauty of the Peninsula beneath the veils of night.

The tour will start from the picturesque shores of Muizenberg, where the moonlight dances upon the gentle waves, casting an ethereal glow upon the vibrant beachfront. Stroll along the railway and stop at Casa Labia, the house of the first Italian Ambassador in South Africa.

Next, our path leads to Kalk Bay, where a stroll awaits us at the old fishing harbour. Prepare to be enchanted by the romantic vistas that unfold before you.

Get ready for the ultimate thrill as we scale the legendary Chapman's Peak Drive, a road sprinkled with magic, offering breathtaking views of the endless Atlantic Ocean and wild coastlines. At the peak of this majestic mountain, lose yourself in the hypnotic charm of the moon's reflection on the shimmering waters, an enchanting sight that will weave its magic into your soul.


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