Dushanbe city tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 599 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Dushanbe is the young and green city. 900m above sea level Dushanbe is undoubtetly a mountain capital and it is therefore no surprise that easy day trips from the capital put you up close with an impressive landscape.

The former name of Dushanbe was Stalinobod and than after getting independence changed its name to Dushanbe.

There are many places for sightseeng in Dushanbe. The best of them are The Ismoili Somony Monument and Frendship Square, Rudaki Park, Ayni Garden and Iram Gardern.

Hissor city is one of the anciant cities of Tajikistan. The history of this city reach to 3000 years. You can see a lot of historical sights in this city:

The first one is Hissar Fortress, than you can visit to Old Madarasa, New Madrasa, Hissar Museum, Registan of Fortress, and Carvansaray.

In Nurak you can visit Nurak Sea wich it call as Blue Sea.

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