Exploring architecture and history of French boulevard

Язык Английский, Французский, Польский, Русский, украинский
Стоимость 50 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

In the past, in the XIX century, French boulevard was a green suburb of Odessa where rich people and nobles had their dachas (summer houses). Nowadays it's a usual street but still, there're some architectural gems to see.

During our tour, we'll see former dachas of greek families Paraskeva and Mavrokordato, a beautiful white mansion of the Ashkenazi family, and see the remains of the architectural heritage of Marazli, one of the most famous Odessa mayors in the late XIX century.

The excursion will be interesting for travelers who have already been to the old center of Odessa and want to see something different, learn more about city history. If you want to explore architecture and see examples of old summer houses it's also a perfect tour for you.


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