2days Murchison Falls National Park safari

Язык Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Day1.pick up from Kampala and transfer to murchison fall National Park.enroute masindi for lunch.

Your guide will pick you at 6am and later transfer to Murchison Falls National Park and drive to the top of the Murchison Falls. You will get to witness the whole Nile squeeze through a narrow gorge of about only 7 meters wide and exploding into violent waterfalls into a whirlpool about 43 meters below. The sight of this world's strongest waterfall is breathtaking.

later set out for the 2.30pm wildlife Launch cruise on the River Nile. A relaxing ride of about three and a half hours, you enjoy up-close sightings of a number of wildlife that throng the banks of the River Nile namely hippos, crocodiles, buffalos, elephants, monitor lizards, warthogs, and a cocktail of birds such as African fish eagles, red-throated bee eaters, skimmers, cattle egrets, and the elusive shoebill among others. The Boat ride takes you to the base of the Murchison Falls for yet another sight of these glamorous falls.Your driver will again round around the park in search of animals so be attentive and listen on this search.

Evening time,Check into your lodge for overnight stay.

Meal Plan: Full board

Accommodation Tango safari lodge

Day2: After breakfast check out of your lodge,head to search for more animals and enjoy the game drive to look for lions, giraffes, herds of elephants, buffaloes and many more then, drive back to Kampala,grab your lunch on the way and transfer to ziwa rhino sanctuary for rhino trekk.Ziwa is conveniently located 176km (100 miles) north of Kampala on the Gulu highway towards Murchison Falls, is the only place where you will be able to see rhinos in the wild in Uganda.Presently the sanctuary is home to twenty two (22) southern white rhinos.

Afterwards, you will be transferred back to Kampala.

Rates include.

Accommodation 1 night


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