Excursion to Monatele in the Lekie Division.

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 1 день

Departure from hotel to Monatele 76km from Yaounde and 1h40mins drive passing through Obala to discover the longest river of Cameroon called the Sanaga found in Monatele of the Lekie Division, where you are going to enjoy a beautiful journey on the river in a boat with possibilities to view hippoppotamus , bird watching, lunch at the banks , relaxation enjoying the delicacy of the place mostly of fresh fish soup.

Then you shall also be taken to admire the natural fascinating waterfall in the Poupouma village, which is located 6km from Monatele . Here, you are also going to discover the local habitats constructed with local materials of sticks and ropes , You will find here, local fruit trees around, and have an experience with the locals.

Back to yaounde and end of services.


The price include the following;

*a bottle of water,

*entrance fees,



*professional Guide,

*Local Guide,

*Communual tax.

The price does not include the following,



-tips and other extras.


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