Visit to the very important and religious town AKONO

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 1 день

Departure from hotel 1h55mins drive over 60km from Yaounde, passing through Mbankomo, Ngoumou to Akono.

Arrival in Akono stretching of legs and visit.

The town of AKONO,is found in the out skirt of Yaounde in the Mefou AKONO Division, it is known to be the famous back bone of Catholicity in Yaounde , it is a site proper for retreats , prayers and being closer to God. A haven for a good educational foundation, a place where most of the administrators of Cameroon studied. It is a quiet and calm place with well favorable structures for prayers, silence,and inner renewal. A place with agricultural training centre, a place where the National players usually go for training before any International competition , a place that host the Seminary , old peoples home, blessed with magnificient natural grottos and a lot of other interesting sites . Lunch with the Rev. Sisters.

Return to Yaounde and end of service.


The price include the following;

* a bottle of water,

* professional Guide,

*local Guide

*communual taxe,

*air conditioned transportation+driver+fuel


*toll gate

The price does not include the following;


- drinks,

- tips

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any more information .Thank you.


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