Quest game: "Time portal: The full story of Moscow"

Язык Английский
Стоимость 35 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Do you like riddles and hidden places? Do you like freedom to choose when and what you are going to do? Do you like to be independent from the guided groups?

If you answered "yes" at least once, you'll like this interactive game.

The game will introduce you to Moscow through historical anecdotes, city legends and interesting facts. During the game you will face challenges and riddles that can help you find out more about Moscow and Russian culture.

You will be free to carry out the activity in complete autonomy, with your own rhythms; anyway I will be available to help you. You can do it when and for how long you want. The quest is self-guided, typically done on foot.

You will dive into the most ancient part of Moscow starting from the place which was the border of the city in the XVI century. Solving the riddles you'll get one of the most ancient, but still not so touristic part of the city where its true spirit lives.

During the game:

- see nearly all "must visit" sightseeings

- myths and legends of an old Moscow will guide you through its spirit

- be guided by Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow

- visit not that touristic places in Moscow

- solve riddles

- find out about Russian history and culture

- get an imagination of Russian cuisine

- taste some traditional beverages and dishes

- meet historical characters

- myths and legends of an old Moscow will guide you through its spirit

- find hidden spots and unknown facts

- meet true guards of the city

- find a small piece of Portugal

- visit ancient Egyptian temple

- find a small bonus at the end

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