4 Days Tour in Romania

Язык Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 2000 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 4 дня

Day 1

Full day exploring Bucharest. Bucharest City Tour - House of Parliament, Victory Avenue, Village museum, Patriarhy Church, Poor side of Bucharest, Rich Side of Bucharest

Overnight in Bucharest

Day 2

Depart Bucharest, headed for Sibiu. On the way, visit the monastery at Curtea de Arges and the Poienari Fortress (the actual castle built by Dracula). If the water permits we will take Transfagarasan Highway – The best Road in The Word (according with TopGear Team) Guided walk in Sibiu’s Old Town upon arrival.

Overnight in Sibiu

Day 3

Start the day by driving to Sighisoara and discovering on the way the village of Biertan, where you will visit the fortified church there (UNESCO World Heritage Site). In the afternoon we will enjoy a tour in Sighisoara (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and we’ll admire Clock Tower Museum and the Arms Museum.

Overnight in Sighisoara,

Day 4

Start the morning with a drive to Bran, where you will visit the Bran Castle (a.k.a. Dracula’s castle). After the visit, you can spend some time in the souvenir bazar next to the castle, and also taste some local products, such as home made cheese and brandy. We also can drive to Peles Castle to have a tour on the outside, because it is Monday and the castle will be closed. Continue to Brasov. Drive Back to Bucharest

Overnight in Bucharest - End of Tour


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