Talsi and Tukums towns undiscovered tourism destinations

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Talsi town with a population of 11 thousand is a town in Kurzeme/Courland (Western part of Latvia) famous for its location on nine hills that surround two lakes. The lakes reflect old homes and are adorned by a fountain in summer, while the hills provide great vantage points (although most are covered by trees). The Old Town has many old buildings. The crude-looking Lutheran church (1567) stands on a nearby hill. It once served as the heart of the town. Further, from the center, Firck's Palace, built in 20th century. Kamparkalns (hill) is the highest place in North Kurzeme (174 m above sea level), the tower built on it is 28 m high. From the tower, in all seasons, you can observe the hilly forests, hilly landscapes and lakes of Talsi. Tukums is a picturesque small town with a well-preserved historic center, ancient wooden architecture, beautiful gardens and blooming flower beds. As you walk through the narrow, cobbled streets, pay special attention to the old doors carefully crafted by carpenters and blacksmiths. The road leads along the seacoast and fishermen villages, then a walk through the historical center of Talsi and Kamparkalns (observation tower) the best place to see the landscape of nature park, the grave of the close friend of composer Ludwig van Beethoven and also the music teacher of V. A. Mozart's children, pastor, violinist K. F. Amenda. Jaunmoku Castle built as a hunting castle 1901 and Tukums town, where we will say hello to "Tukum's Katrīna", Durbe Palace the former residence of fon der Recke family and the road to Riga.


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