Jewish Heritage In Marrakech

Язык арабский, Английский, Французский
Стоимость 40 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Morocco has existed since ancient times with different civilizations occupying the region because of its critical location. Marrakech used to be the old Capital of Morocco and a major crossroad for Caravans on their way to Europe. The city had trade of herbs, spices. I live in Marrakech and I know the whole city, so I will show you the hidden sites and help you understand the history of this red city. The presence of the Jews in Morocco is about 2000 years , and they were living in quarters called Mellah , In this tour you will discover the different architecture , buildings with balconies , they look like Spanish or European Style , The Jews and the Moors fled persecution from southern of Spain in 1492 and in different periods , you will walk through the quarter , take photos , visit the synagogue, jewish cemetry (no visit on Saturday) , see herbs and spices , learn about the history of the Jews in marrakech and all of Morocco Also visit some other major sites.

Mellah, Marrakech Morocco, 1 hour 30 minutes

Slat Al Azama Synagogue, R. Talmoud Torah, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco, 30 minutes

Place des Ferblantiers, Mellah, Marrakech Morocco, pass by without stopping

Miara Jewish Cemetery, Avenue Taoulat El Miara, Marrakech 40000, Morocco, 30 minutes


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