Rural Buggy/Atv day trip at the Doftana Valley

Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 10 часов

We will pick up you from your hotel arround 09.00 in the morning.

On the way to the Doftana Valley, we will cross near by the first industrial oil rafinery in the world in Ploiești.

Part of the road is an rural area where you can see the country life and people activities.

We will have several stops to admire and to picture the rural life and landscapes.

The main activity, the ride with the buggy/atv will be for about 1 hour drive in the area of Doftana Valley .

You will get all the necessary equipment (helmets, dust/wind coat and gloves).

Is must to have driving license and an extreme insurance.

There will be also places on our way to have a good coffe, tea and an tasty lunch .

*transportation is done with cars/vans with air conditioner, wifi on board ;

**english speaking driver and licensed guide

***not include in the price (food, entrances and other expenses)

*the trip plan can be changed due to weather conditions, traffic jams or other unespected situations.


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