Astana - the futuristic city exploring (7h)

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Are you fist time in Astana or maybe in "-stan" country? I understand your worries, concerns and excitement! Let me take them all away and make your trip enjoyable and pleasurable exploring this beautiful city together.

Astana is one of the most futuristic cities in Central Asia. The city almost duplicates Dubai by architecture and history behind, where enormous efforts has been put to build a city in the freezing steppe.

Explore with me the historical monuments and beauty of the Astana. This walking tour starts from picking you up from your place and leading towards the center of Astana the Left bank. Majority of the monuments and must see's are conveniently located along the boulevard named Nurly Zhol. We will start from Presidential palace, after a short walk passing by the heart of the city - Bayterek monument, the symbol of Astana. We will also visit Keruen shopping center, where you can grab a coffee, or can buy some souvenirs.

We will continue to have lunch (local cuisine) at atmospheric places along the boulevard. Along the road I will tell about the specifics of the city, the interesting facts about architecture and much more.

After the lunch tour we continue to EXPO Nur Alem Kazakh pavilion. This expositions presents the various types of renewable energy and space exploration.

Later we will head to the Right bank of the city to explore the National museum, Pyramid and finally we will have a rest in a Grand mosque surrounded by tranquility and peace.


Presidential palace (from outside)

Nurly Zhol boulevard

Bayterek (from outside)

Lunch in atmospheric local restaurant

EXPO exhibition center (with entrance)

The National museum of Kazakhstan (with entrance)

Pyramid (from outside)

Grand Mosque (with entrance)


I will meet you at the entrance of your accommodation/hotel


Walking tour



Guiding Services

Taxi fee between driving distance places

Admission Tickets to National Museum, EXPO

1 small bottle of water


10000 KZT/ 30 USD - Lunch (10 USD), Drinks, Souvenirs

90% of places accept cards.


Personal Expenses


Food, Drinks, Snacks


200 USD for 1 person

250 USD for 2-4 person

If you want this tour to be customized feel free to contact me:)


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