Private Best Of Athens 3 Hours Tour

Язык Английский, Греческий
Стоимость 130 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

During this amazing fast tour you will see all the most popular sights and experiences, the best parts of the city. The uniqueness of this tour, combines something different from the other tours. It is being operated by a vehicle and you can only take photos inside of it. But, in consultation with the head office, we can make some stops for you to have a better view of the monuments we are going to visit.

*This tour is very flexible and it goes according to your needs. For any special request you have, please contact our head office to guide you properly about your requests and about everything you need to know...!!*


-Mercedes E 200 class(sendan), that is 3 years old with a full insurance coverage.

-Clean and Air-conditioned, with Wi-Fi (Free internet).

-Up to 3-4 customers.

What’s Included

Guiding Services

Private Transportation

Other: -Bottled water.


Also is included a coffee in a local coffee shop.

*liability insurance for each participant

***In the End of our Tour a Great Souvenir Gift is included.!!***

Estimated Local Cash Needed

30 euros - Per person for the archaeological sites we are going to visit.

What’s Extra

Personal Expenses


Other: -Entrance fee to archaelogical sites.


-I am not a licensed guide.

-I do not have a license to give tours inside of monuments and historical places.


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