Full Day Tour to Ancient Sparta,Kaiadas and Mystras

Язык Английский, Греческий
Стоимость 300 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 9 часов

**This tour starts From Athens**

**The Final prices are per group not per person**

Tour Highlights

The site of Sparta is completely surrounded by major mountain ranges. In contrast to other ancient Greek cities, Sparta was not a compact fortified city-state center with monumental civic and religious buildings.

In the Hellenistic period a theatre, stoa and agora were built near the acropolis but the Temple of Athena and the earlier remains at the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia on the West bank of the Eurotas are almost the only archeological remains from Archaic and Classical Sparta.

Visit the mystical tower of Mystras and let yourself be captivated by this destination’s medieval splendour. Wander around the castle city and sense through the silence the city’s sheer grandeur.

Stroll leisurely through the “Kastro” ( the Frankish Castle ) the Upper Town and Lower Town whose architecture creates a dreamy setting. With your minds eyes visualize Frankish princes and princesses living in palatial mansions;foreign delegations arriving bearing gifts and peasant pilgrims or traders filling the bustling streets.

The name Kaiadas referred to antiquity as a large precipice near ancient Sparta, at the foot of Mount Taygetos. Today the abyss is located near Tripi, next to the public road of Sparta

Some identify him with the "Depositors", where the ancient Spartans are said to have thrown disabled or cachectic infants in order to ensure the eugenics of their race.

Kaiadas, from the few historical references, is identified as a place where criminals and prisoners of war were thrown

In the village of Parori there is indeed the opening of a dark cave, but Pausanias, in his description of the escape of Aristomenis from Kaiadas, refers to a steep and deep gorge, analogous to the "abyss" of the Athenians, from the opening of which he could pass only one fox.

Meeting Point + Tour Duration

Meeting Point Options: Rail or Bus Station, Cruise Ship Port, Airport, Hotel, Address or Intersection

Duration: 9 hours


Mercedes E 200 class(sendan), that is 3 years old with a full insurance coverage.

Clean and Air-conditioned, with Wi-Fi (Free internet).

Up to 3-4 customers.

What’s Included

-Guiding Services

-Private Transportation

*Soft drinks, candy and a snack.

*Also is included a coffee in a local coffee shop.

*Liability insurance per person

***In the End of our Tour a Great Souvenir Gift is included.!!***

What’s Extra

-Personal Expenses




-I am not a licensed guide.

-I do not have a license to give tours inside of monuments and historical places.


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