Язык Английский
Стоимость 155 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа

The park is located 15 minutes from downtown city center of City. It was established in 1945 as the first National Park in Kenya. It is 44 square miles in size and much to everyone's surprise, all the wildlife are free ranging. Within the Nairobi National Park's 117 square kilometers, there are over 80 species of mammals and more bird species than can be found in the whole of the British Isles.

After pick up from your hotel/airport you will depart to the Nairobi National park through the main gate for a 3 hour game drive. Your guide will be aiming to show you as much variety of animals as possible. If you're lucky, you may spot the rhinos and lions getting ready for the day.

After the game drive we will be happy to drop you to your hotel or airport.

The tour to Nairobi National Park takes you to this unique wildlife sanctuary only 7 kms from the Nairobi bustling City Centre where you have chance to see 4 of the Big 5 (expect the elephant) against the back drop of the city tall buildings. Nairobi National Park Kenya's first ever National park is a unique and unspoilt wildlife haven within sight of the city's skyline. Rhino, buffalo, cheetah, zebra, giraffe, lion and plenty of antelopes and gazelles can be seen roaming in this open plains country with a section of highland forest as well as stretches of broken bush country, deep, rocky valleys and gorges with scrub and long grass. Ornithologists catch with over 300 bird species including the Secretary bird, crowned cranes, vultures, peckers and many more.


1 PAX USD 215

2 PAX USD 150

3 PAX USD 130

4 PAX USD 120

5 PAX USD 110

6 PAX USD 100


Professional driver/guide

Hotel pickup and drop-off

Hotel/port pickup

Local guide

Nairobi National park fees


Alcoholic drinks (available to purchase)


Souvenir photos (available to purchase)


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