Day Tour to Lake Nakuru National Park

Язык Английский
Стоимость 267 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Early morning you will depart for Nakuru National Park. Which is approximately two and half hours from Nairobi. Lake Nakuru National Park hosts a fresh water lake, Lake Nakuru is famous of its number of flamingos nesting along the shores. The surface of the shallow lake is often hardly recognizable due to the continually shifting mass of pink. The lake's abundance of algae attracts the vast quantity of flamingos that famously lines the shore.

The park has recently been enlarged partly to provide the sanctuary for the black rhino. This undertaking has necessitated a fence - to keep out poachers rather than to restrict the movement of wildlife.

The park now has more than 25 rhinos, one of the largest concentrations in the country, so the chances of spotting these survivors are good. There are also a number of Rothschild's giraffe. Waterbuck are very common and both the Kenyan species are found here. Among the predators are lion and leopard, the latter being seen much more frequently in recent times. The park also has large sized pythons that inhabit the dense woodlands, and can often be seen crossing the roads or dangling from trees.


1 PAX $267

2 PAX $200

3 PAX $170

4 PAX $150

5-6 PAX $140

Tour Package Includes:

*Ground transportation in a tour safari van *with open roof hutch for game viewing.

*Lake Nakuru Park fee.

*Services of an English speaking driver / guide.

Tour Package DOES NOT include:

*Drinks & Laundry.

*Personal expenses.

*Lunch at one of the hotels

*All other expenses not mentioned above.


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