Chorsu bazaar

Язык Английский
Стоимость 10 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 час

Bazaar always was the heart of any city in the east. Bazaar was place, where public life was in full swing. The merchants and ordinary citizens met to discuss important news and find out the prices.

Lovers of chaihana (teahouse) generously treated each other with pilaf and drink hot green tea even in the summer heat. People say that green tea helps to withstand heat better.

The bazaars were located in the crossroads of trade roads. The bazaars were located mainly in large city squares, where holidays and theatrical performances were held. Bazaars were built in the form of dome structures, which protected people from heat and dust. The peak of popularity of their construction fell to 9-13th centuries.


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