Язык Английский, турецкий
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

You may call it Nicosia, Lefkosa or Lefkosia. Its the name given to the capital of the island which is the only divided capital in Europe. Today we shall walk in the old city of the capital which is surrounded with walls. In the old times there were 3 gates which were used to enter the old city. The names are Kyrenia, Famagusta and Paphos Gate. We shall walk together to see the St. Sophia Cathedral, Buyuk Han, Bedesten, Medieval Tombstone Museum, Lusignan House, Omerge Mosque, Tahtakale , Ermu Street and many other historical sights dating from decades. You will have free time to have lunch and buy some local gifts. Many historical sights will be seen today therefore please wear comfortable shoes as this tour is on foot.

* The meeting place of the tour is Ledra Street check point in Nicosia. there will be an extra cost for the transportation from the other cities.

*The ticket for historical sights and lunch are extra.


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