Язык Английский, турецкий
Стоимость 330 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Today we'll be driving to Karpaz which is the east of the island and is also known as the panhandle. After we depart from Kyrenia stop at 'MiniaKıbrıs' to see the miniatures of the historical sights. Dipkarpaz is a village which even now Turkish and Greek people live together. 16AD Ayios Thyrsos Church is in our program. Karpaz is a place of 80 km with its deep bays surrounded by green and sandy beaches. Caretta Caretta and Green headed turtles come and lay their eggs to these sandy beaches every June. Until 1974 the farmers living in the villages had donkeys . When the villagers became refugees the animals were let free in the wild life. They breeded in the richness of the areas of vegetation which has provided them with environment where they had flourished. This area is priceless for the nature lovers. We'll drive up to Ap. Andreas Monastery. It's the Holy place for Orthodox Catholics. While you listen to the history you'll have time to take photos, have lunch and swim in the blue waters of Mediterranean on your free time. If you are a nature lover and want to see the panhandle of the island this tour is ideal just for you.


* Professional guidance

* Transportation

*A small bottle of water for each participant


* The tour starts from Kyrenia . If you are located in other cities there will be an extra cost for the transportation.

* Lunch is extra on the program.


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