Язык Английский, турецкий
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

The wine plantation dates back to hundreds of years at this region of Cyprus. Today our first visit will be Koilani village. In Koilani we'll visit a winery which has varieties of white, red, dry and sweet wines. Muscat of Alexandria as well as Shiraz, Cabarnet Sauvignon, Cabarnet Franc, Mataro, Grenache and Carignan, The annual production of this winery is 50. 000 bottles , You will have a short demo about how its produced while you taste the wine. You also will have the priviledge to buy or get them shipped to your address. The next stop of the day will be at Omodos village. If you want you can taste some more wine from the shops that are in the centre of the village. There is also a very nice Monastery right in the centre of the village. You have time to visit the Monastery or walk along the narrow roads of the village and do some shopping or take some photos of the unique village of Troodos. We have our lunch in one of the local restaurants just in the centre.(extra) You can buy souvenirs such as made from glass work from the village. The last stop of the day will be at Peri Pedi. If you like to taste some local wine and walk around the unique mountain villages of Troodos this tour is just ideal for you.


*6 seated vito(vianno) with a driver

* Wine tasting tickets+ parking tickets

* A small bottle of water for each participant


* Lunch


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