Gödöllő - Sisi's favourite Hungarian Palace

Язык Английский, румынский
Стоимость 240 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Gödöllő is a small city with a stunning baroque palace, 30 km from Budapest.

Initially, this 18th-century palace served as a manor of the Grassalkovich counts, a notable Hungarian family. The palace had several owners after the death of the last Grassalkovich in 1841. Then, the Hungarian state bought it as a coronation gift to Emperor Francis Joseph I and Queen Elisabeth. Sisi was very popular in Hungary and the royal family spent a lot of time in Gödöllő. The estate is a true Habsburg residence – golden chandeliers, walls covered in silk and velvet chairs, legends, hidden coridors, etc.


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