Dalyan Turtle beach

Язык Английский
Стоимость 49 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 12 часов

The Dalyan River flows through the town and is the most preferred means of traveling to all the popular sites around. The town has an unspoiled and peaceful holiday environment in spite of the mass tourism. The area houses over 100 varieties of bird species and is a breeding ground for more than three varieties of turtle including the endangered Loggerhead Caretta Caretta. The entire delta area along with the neighboring town of Köycegiz and the Lake Köycegiz has been declared as the “Köycegiz-Dalyan Special Environmental Protection Area” in 1988.

Mud Baths

Taking ‘Mud Bath’ on the banks of the River Dalyan is one of the most popular activities for tourists visiting the place. The mud is rich in minerals like magnesium and sulfur that are beneficial in improving skin health. Hot water springs to swim are also available .


The town lies inland, but tourists can enjoy boat trips from the Dalyan Harbor, which has a white sand beach that almost runs for six kilometers. A boat ride from here will take you to the gorgeous Dalyan Turtle Beach, a conservation area and one of the last nesting areas for the endangered Loggerhead turtles. This species of turtles have existed for over 45 million years and thus these nesting grounds are closely monitored and protected by international conservation organizations and the Turkish government as well. Turtles lay their eggs during the period between May and October and the beach remains closed between 20:00 and 8:00 to facilitate this. Sunbathing and swimming is the favorite pastime for travelers moving over here. The Dalyan Turtle Beach has been proclaimed as the ‘Best open Space in Europe’ in 2008 by The Times.

Temple Tombs

The nearby sheer cliffs are home to the ancient Lycian tombs that were made by cutting rock during the 4th century BC. The remains of the ancient trading town of Caunos across the river can be accessed by a short trip through boat.

Bodrum Dalyan Bodrum

every thursday and sunday


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