Kilimanjaro Day Trip

Язык Английский
Стоимость 350 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

A day trip hike to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, is a challenging and exhilarating adventure. It's important to note that a day trip to the summit of Kilimanjaro is not a common or recommended practice due to the altitude and physical demands. Typically, climbing Kilimanjaro involves a multi-day trek with acclimatization periods to ensure safety and acclimatization to the high altitude.


Location: Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, East Africa

Duration: Usually a full day, starting early in the morning and returning in the evening.

Difficulty: The difficulty level can vary depending on the chosen route and the altitude you reach.



Early Start (around 8:00 AM): Begin the day early to make the most of the daylight hours and favorable weather conditions.

Drive to Kilimanjaro National Park:

Depart from your accommodation and travel to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate, which is the starting point of your hike.

Registration and Briefing:

Complete any necessary registrations and receive a briefing from the park authorities and your guide.

Start the Hike:

Begin the hike, following your chosen trail or route. Common routes for day hikes include the Marangu or Mandara route.


Hiking and Sightseeing:

Enjoy the stunning scenery as you hike through various vegetation zones, which may include lush rainforest, moorland, and possibly views of the mountain's slopes.


Stop for a packed lunch at a designated spot, enjoying the beautiful surroundings.


Further Exploration:

Continue your hike to reach a designated endpoint or viewpoint, such as the Mandara Hut or a similar location.


Start your descent back to the park gate.


Return to Accommodation:

Arrive back at the park gate and then drive back to your accommodation.


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