Язык Испанский, Французский, Английский
Стоимость 55 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Driver or passenger in a buggy? Choose the best option for you, because this all-terrain vehicle will guide you along hidden paths that will reveal the natural treasures of Punta Cana. Get ready for a fun adventure that will take you to explore rural trails, secret caves, picturesque rivers and charming towns that will transport you to the Authentic Dominican life.

Enter the mysterious "ATABEY" park, where you can swim in its underground river. Or if you prefer, immerse yourself in the comfortable waters of the impressive Macao Beach.

To finish this unforgettable tour, visit the cozy Tours Point ranch. Here, local farmers will guide you through the most authentic flavors of the Dominican countryside: from the aroma of freshly harvested coffee to the exquisiteness of cocoa and tobacco. Immerse yourself in the essence of Punta Cana with this dynamic tour!

What Bring?

Wear comfortable clothing

Wear a swimsuit

Bring towel

Use biodegradable sunscreen

Wear dark glasses

Carry extra money

Wear walking shoes

About this ticket

Ticket rate: Punta Cana Double Buggies

Transfer: Included, we will pick you up and take you to your hotel lobby

Minimum age to participate: 5+

Languages: English, Spanish, Français.


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