Язык Английский
Стоимость 200 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

The walking tour of Siena with a true born local guide will open your heart and will definitely remain in your memories!!

Siena is one of the best preserved medioeval cities of the world. Let’s walk with a local “friend” who will share with you the best highlights of the city as well as the most hidden corners and silent alleys. Be wrapped by the charme of this unique city! Let’s talk about history, art, tradition, the famous horse race PALIO, the 17 Contrade (districts) of the city from th 1300’s. Something you will never forget!

The stunning striped cathedral of Siena won’t miss during the tour as well as the awesome main square PIAZZA DEL CAMPO. We will end with a nice tasting of the traditional cakes and sweets locally produced (Panforte Ricciarelli Cavallucci) in one of the oldest bakeries in town.


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