Язык Английский
Стоимость 380 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов

Spend a fabulos day among the most beautiful views and ancient hilltop villages!

Pick up in the morning and walking tour of Pienza, the ideal, perfect city built by Pope Pio II in the 1400's and extremely well preserved. A real step back into the Renaissance era! Great views, glimps, and .... some tasty bites of local Pecorino sheep cheese!

Lunch en route and afternoon spent strolling in the romantic town of Montepulciano, one of the most ancient hillspots and famous for the VINO NOBILE, a great red Sangiovese wine, locally produced. This entire day will fill you heart, your eyes.. and your bellies!! Your private guide will let you enjoy a real full immersion into authentic Tuscan life. Write or whatsapp me for further details.

The price is TOTAL up to 3 people and not per person.


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