Язык Английский
Стоимость 380 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов

Meet your local private guide and food expert and after a brief introduction about our food and life we will start our tasty day with the visit of a local micro brewery. It is very well known locally for the great quality of their CRAFT BEERS produced with local ingredients. Meet the owner, visit the lab, learn the secrets of beer and finally enjoy a fragrant tasting of the whole range produced, paired with local cheeses and cold cuts.

Stop at the magnificent church of San Biagio, the highlight of Montepulciano. short stroll in town, meet the artisans, and if you want, stop for a light lunch and a glass of good wine!

then... it’s GELATO TIME! A wonderful refreshing GELATO CLASS will sweeten even more this perfect day. The gelato master, so passionate and knowledgeable, will show you the best way to make a superb gelato and you will enjoy some freshly made gelato right before your eyes. Kids are MOST welcome!!

Price is total for the tour and NOT per person

Write me for details.


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