Язык Английский
Стоимость 380 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов

Meet your personal local guide/sommelier and food expert in the morning at your place to stay in Montepulciano or Pienza.

Visit an organic cheese farm and enjoy the stories of the owner as well as learn the way he makes his delicious cheeses. The area of Pienza is very famous for the production of a local sheep's milk cheese: PECORINO, aged in different ways, in wallnut leaves, wood ash, or hay. We will taste several kinds of cheese topped with a few drops of dark chestnut honey!

At lunch we will be tasting some very good local dishes in one of my favourite traditional places.

In the afternoon we head to the amazing countryside of Montepulciano. Let's visit one of the best wineries and taste the local amazing VINO NOBILE d.o.c.g.

Montepulciano is the "pearl" of Renaissance, a true authentic jewel nested on top of a peak overlooking the stunning VAL D'ORCIA.

This tour is for maximum 3 passengers. The price is total and NOT per person.

Write me for further details! I will be happy to customize your memorable tour in Tuscany!


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