Magical Dinner Agafay Desert Camel Ride From Marrakech

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 78 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 часов

We'll pick you up from your hotel or riad in the evening, and begin our excursion to the Agafay Desert. After half an hour immersed in the arid Moroccan landscape, we'll arrive at our destination.

Once in the Agafay desert, and having marvelled at our stunning surroundings, you'll enjoy the unforgettable experience of a camel ride through the desert dunes!

Then, growing ever larger in the distance comes our own oasis in the desert: an illuminated cabin where, before eating you'll have the opportunity to get a natural sunset picture. Next, we'll all sit together at the table, enjoying a fantastic dinner of traditional Moroccan recipies: salads, soups, tajin, couscous... all topped off by traditional gnawa music and the famous belly dancing.

Having enjoyed a fantastic, unforgettable night, we'll accompany you back to your hotel or riad in Marrakech.


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