MTB Atlas Mountains Day Trip From Marrakech

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 95 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Imlil toubkal After collecting you from your hotel in Marrakech we transfer you to Imlil village after 1h and half driving from Marrakech including a short break for pictures near the one of the old berber village in High Atlas Mountains, we ’ll Take the way to Asni, a weekly Market and then turn right  to Imlil  it is only 65 Km driving, your ride will begin at Imlil, Situated in the heart of the Toubkal National Park, Here is our bike shop and you can choose the bike by your self, than we will get our bikes, and ride towards the pass of Tizi n’Tamatert at 2280m. The first warm-up is on a good rolling road overlooking the deep valley against bottom with contrasting cultures terraces with a arid flanks. We reach the track on the right side and we will find a succession of superb Berber villages beehives clinging to the sides of the mountains in the background with majestic summits of the High Atlas mountains frequently snowy, after this super ascent the lunch is waiting us here in panoramic view After a superb descent, after crossing many Berber villages, to Asni or Tahanaout if you need more riding, than transfer you back to Marrakech your arrival to Marrakech around the 5 or 6 in afternoon. Duration: 6 hours  Admission Ticket Free



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