Walking Tour Barcelona

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 40 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

Walk through the breath-taking medieval Roman city of Barcelona and explore major attractions here including the Gothic Quarter, Cathedrals and Roman walls. Pass through Las Ramblas and stop at La Boqueria market and get some amazing views of places like Plaza Catalunya, Columbus Monument and Arc De Triomf which will make you fall in love with the city.

Here’s the list of the places we will visit:

🔹Las Arenas

🔹Magic Fountain Pl Espanya

🔹Columbus Monument

🔹Plaza Reial

🔹Las Ramblas

🔹Gothic Quarter

🔹Cathedral de Barcelona

🔹La Boqueria Market

🔹Plaza Catalunya (city square)

🔹la Sagrada Famila

🔹Casa de Gaudi

🔹Casa Mila

🔹Arc de triomf


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