Trekking in lomis mta

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Day 1: Tbilisi, Borjomi, Likani (by car) - Likani Guard Station-Lomisma touristic shelter

Walking Distance 15km, 6 hours, starting elevation 930m, maximum 2080, ascent 1150m.

Depart to the Borjomi town which is situated in the central part of Georgia. The city is well-known of its mineral waters. You can taste absolutely natural mineral waters from the spring in the central park of Borjomi.

The hiking starts at Likani guard station (930 m). Pass by the Likani River valley where you may come across rare species included in the Red List of Georgia. Afterward, head up and reach the tourist shelter of Lomismta. Stay overnight in the wooden cottage.

Day 2: Lomi Mountain, Likani, Tbilisi

Walking Distance 18km, 7 hours, maximum elevation 2180, ascent 400m, descent 1500m.

Visit St George Church, located on Lomismta. Here, in addition to beautiful views, there are flourishing rhododendrons in May and June.

After exploring surrounding hills of Lomi Mountain, head back to the Lomismta shelter before setting off back towards Likani, and eventually to Tbilisi


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