Family Walking Tour in San Diego

Язык Английский
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Highlight of the Tour:

- You will be guided by a local family friendly guide

San Diego embodies laid-back California and is typical for its surf culture and perfect weather. Experience the most rewarding adventure with your family on our exclusive family walking tour. Our family-friendly local professional guide will make sure the kids have as much fun sightseeing as adults. The well-informed guide will take you on a 2-hour long walking tour. The tour has an easy pace and includes a stroll around the city center, highlighting the famous cultural and architectural sites. The whole family will have fun learning about San Diego's fascinating and interesting sites. The stories shared by the guide are guaranteed to provide a few giggles as you wind down the off beaten paths of the city. San Diego's airport is the busiest single runway airport in the US and the second in the world.


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