Houston Historic Pub Crawl and Ghost Walk Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 145 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Highlight of the Tour:

- You will be guided by a local charismatic guide

Houston has a fascinating history of ghost tales, and your tour guide has had thousands of people over the years on the edge of their seats during his stories. At each bar, we’ll sample a local brew or specialty drink, and then move on to the next bar. In addition to ghost stories, we’ll learn a little bit about Houston’s history. You’ll enjoy a libation at some of Houston’s classic watering holes, and hear ghost stories and history at the same time. This pub crawl tour is much more than just bar hopping. We’ve selected downtown bars that are rich in history, and also have a “spooky” past. We’ll also tell you about Houston’s founding, her early days as a frontier town, and what makes her the great city she is today.

Guests must be over 21 too. Please be prepared to bring identification.


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