Jõelähtme - trip from the Soviet era to 16th century Sweden?

Язык Английский
Стоимость 500 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

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Is it truly possible to time travel from the Soviet era to 16th century Sweden?

In order to find out what Estonian village life looks like, we'll visit the Rootsi-Kallavere Museum. Why is the Estonian War of Independence, which ended in 1920, still so important for Estonia?

Next, we'll pay a visit to the magnificent Jõelähtme church, followed by a visit to Estonia's widest natural waterfall - Jägala, and take a walk at the Linnamäe hydroelectric power station. If you've never been on a suspension bridge, today's your chance.

We'll finish the day with a 3.5 km hike in the Viru bog, where you can climb to the top of the lookout tower and take some beautiful pictures of the landscape.

PS. tour price depends on how many people and which transportation


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