One day - Best places in Tokyo Part Ⅰ

Язык Английский, Японский
Стоимость 355 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 7 часов

In Tokyo, there are so many attractive places where you can have a great time of the day.

I selected four most popular touring spots; Tsukiji, Imperial palace, Asakusa and Akihabara. It's very good tour, especially if this will be your first time visit in Tokyo!

Also there is "Popular spots in the west side of Tokyo" tour on my page. You can cover most of all must-see spots in Tokyo!!

Tsukiji Fish Market is one of the top tourist district destination in Tokyo! It consists of two main areas-the inner market and the outer market. Tokyo governor decided to relocate the inner market to Toyosu new market in October,2018. (visiting the inner market will not be included in our itinerary from October 2018)It might be your first and last chance to visit there! We will go to both places. The inner market is the wholesale market for the professionals where about 480 kinds of marine products are traded. You can have a close look at various kinds of fish and shellfish like tuna, eel, octopus, sea urchin and more! There are about 550 small family-run retail shops in the inner market, each shop has own specialty selling foods like tuna, eel and so on. So you can enjoy seeing from many different things not only merchandises but also workers, shops, and the human interactions in Tsukiji. Inside the market, intricate narrow streets are like a maze but I'll take you anywhere you're interested in safely.

In the outer market, there are about 400 retail shops which are open to the public. Almost all kinds of Japanese ingredients can be found here.

This is like a kitchen of Japanese cuisine. You can buy Japanese food, seasonings,tea, knives, dishware wrapping goods and so on. Of course you can taste and eat fresh seafood here.

We'll visit the East Garden of the Imperial Palace.(Monday and Friday are closed. Instead, we will visit Nijyubashi bridge of the Imperial Palace) We will visit two main spots such as the main tower of the former Edo castle and the Ninomaru Garden. Many kinds of seasonal flowers and plants are planted. You can enjoy the scenery all year around. It's very a beautiful Japanese garden.

Next, we'll go to Asakusa. It remains the old atmosphere of the Edo era and it's a very vivid town. On the way to Sensoji temple, we can enjoy shopping at Nakamise shopping street. It's very fun to see so many kinds of traditional crafts, sweets and souvenirs. Sweets like a small pancake stuffed with red bean paste, deep-fried buns stuffed with different kinds of pastes and rice crackers are famous in Asakusa.

There are many kinds of restaurants such as Tempura, Soba, Udon, Tonkatsu, Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), Sukiyaki, grilled eel rice bowl, Sushi, Hamburg, pasta, and so on. If you'd like to eat at a local tavern in the Hoppy street, definitely it is better to have a tour guide with you. Let's eat your favorite authentic Japanese food in Asakusa!

Our last destination is Akihabara. If you're interested, we can have a break at a maid cafe. Girls who are wearing maid costumes will welcome you as their master politely. You can order food and drinks and can take a photo with the maid (you need to pay extra charge). Customers can also enjoy chatting with them before the order is being served.

Akihabara is well known for shopping as well. I can take you anywhere you are interested in such as Don Quijote, Gacyapon(capsule toy) shops, anime figure doll shops, comic stores, and electronics shops.

If you have any questions and requests, please feel free to ask me. I'll reply you as soon as possible.

I'd like to make your stay in Tokyo a real pleasant one. I'm really looking forward to meeting you in my tour!

Thank you, Arigatou!


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