Private 4x4 Tour - Full-day

Язык Английский
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

I will do my best to provide you a unique experience that you will never forget…

This is a tour for those looking to be more intimate. Ideal for families or romantic getaways.

You can book the jeep just for you, and choose any of our tours, or create your own program (Tour) and visit the places you would like to go.

The possibilities are endless...

Jeep capacity: 8 seats - 7 clients + Driver (Me)

Prices - Full-day:

-  Up to 2 People: 225€

 - Up to 4 People: 240€

 - Up to 5 People: 250€ 

 - Up to 6 People: 300€ 

Lunch optional - 12€

Know more:

Whether it’s to celebrate or simply to have the attention all to yourselves

I am very flexible… I can avoid bad weather easily…

​We can do walks, forests, mountains, swimming in rock pools, bars, restaurants, and much more!

​I have the BEST vehicle for that, an UMM and creativity to take you to places that you just have to see! 

Go ahead and Book Now! Spaces are limited!​


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