Feel like Sultans in A Day at Istanbul: Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosk, Grand Bazar

Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

We have all somehow heard about the way of life of the Ottoman sultans and have partly been tempted by it. Don't be tempted or be curios anymore! This tour is for you which takes you to the routes and monuments where you will feel like sultans in the 21th century Istanbul. In the morning, we open our eyes at the Topkapi Palace, witness the magnificent gardens, rooms of Sultans and end our day at the Grand Bazaar traditional Turish carpets, beaded bracelets, Ottoman style gold and silver jewelry, multicolored lanterns, local leather goods, ceramics, belly-dancing outfits, and more exists! In addition to the shopping, creative salesmanship and the noble sport of bargaining make you feel part of the city's most ancient tradition in Grand Bazaar.

- Full day private tour with the licensed and professional guide

- Explore the secret and luxurious life of Classical Ottoman.

- Enjoy the experimental history chance!

- Visit and Examine the Ottoman artifacts in a Ottoman mansion which belongs İbrahim Pasha (Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works of Art)

- Pay and find the cheapest souvenirs together with the help of your professional tour guide

- Learn how to bargain in a Turkish way!


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