Giza pyramids and Saqqara Full Day Guided Tour

Язык Abkhaz, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Греческий, Польский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Join me on your Lifetime trip to explore one of the ancient seven wonders, Giza Pyramids, in addition to Saqqara necropolis, the largest cemetery in Egypt with larg number of pyramids and tombs.

How the tour starts?

I will pick you up from your hotel our from any location in Cairo or Giza to accompany you with a private air-conditioned vehicle to begin your tour.

Your tour will begin with visiting the most attractive Pharaonic sightseeing in Egypt, Giza Necropolis, where you will find a large number of pyramids and tombs dating back to the 4th dynasty, the old kingdom. The most famous attractions are the pyramids of Cheops, considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Kefren, and Mecyrinos. Besides, the valley temple of king Kafrea.

Additionally, there is the Great Sphinx who has a lion body with a human head, and according to the ancient Egyptian beliefs; he is guarding this great necropolis.

Then I will take you to my favorite sightseeing in Egypt, Saqqara, located 35 minutes driving south of the Giza pyramids.

At Saqqara i will start the tour by visiting the complex of the King Zoser, houses the step pyramid which is the first pyramid built in Egypt, then i will show you more pyramids such as the pyramid of King Unas. Then tombs with wonderful colors and good condition that will take you back to the time of the ancient Egyptians.

Finally, back to your hotel.


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