Bukhara City Tour

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Русский
Стоимость 80 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

The dome of Islam! The Holy city! Bukhara is the "Pillar of Islam".

Tour starts at the main square of Old Bukhara, (Lyabi Hauz complex, near the monument of a man sitting on a donkey).

Duration: 5-6 hours.


- Lyabi Hauz complex:

- Nadir Devanbegi medrese and xanaka

- Kukaldosh medrese

- Jewish quarter

- Magoki Attor mosque (first mosque in Uzbekistan, pre-mongol period monument)

- Trading Domes (3 domes)

- Traditional Mens Bath XVI th century (only reception)

- Ulughbek medrese (most ancient medrese in Uzbekistan)

- Abdulazizkhan medrese (the most luxurious medrese)

- Poi Kalan complex:

- Minaret Kalan - pre mongol monument

- Kalan mosque - the biggest in this city

- Miri Arab medrese - current medrese for males

- Ark Citadel

- Boloi Hauz mosque

- Chashmai Ayub mausoleum

- Samanid mausoleum (first mausoleum in Central Asia and second in Islamic World, pre-mongol monument)

- Along the way we have the opportunity to see the only place in Uzbekistan where you can get acquainted with the history of Central Asian Puppets and Puppet Theater. In addition you can watch a 2 minute show from the master himself and most importantly if luck smiles here you can find some puppet that will be exactly like you (not guaranteed, it depends on luck))) )


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