Undiscovered Tashkent - Ishakkupriksay Canyon

Язык Английский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 230 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Route: Tashkent - Ishakkupriksay - Chimgan - Tashkent.


- Ishakkupriksay: Start the trekking with our guide. The route may be short, but you will hardly be able to run it quickly. This is because, there are many water barriers and narrow rock ledges along the stream. Some sections are very difficult to pass without help. The walls of the canyons are different colors in different places. The trip will pass through stony soil and in some places it is necessary to walk on water (it does not reach the waist). This is a mountain stream and for this reason there are NOT water insects. There are several small waterfalls on the way. Visit the largest waterfall and climb the waterfall from where the most beautiful views of the gorge open. Then, go down the stream again and climb the mountains from where there is a panoramic view of the Charvak Water Reservoirs. Go down to car.

- Chimgan Mountains: Along the way sightseing stop for panoramic view of Charvak. Visit Bildirsay and go up on "Chair Lift". The length is about 3 km, climbing height is around 2000 m. There you can get ATV riding or horse riding (extra).

- Tashkent: Drop-off in your hotel / railway station / airport.


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